- Zones with Geysers/fumaroles are a source of geothermal steam which is harnessed to generate electricity for domestic and industrial uses.
- Water from Hot springs is used for heating houses especially in winter e.g. in New Zealand.
- Volcanic features such as mountains, geysers, and plug domes attract tourists who bring in foreign exchange.
- Volcanic rocks such as basalt weather to form rich soils with a wide variety of mineral nutrients which support crop farming.
- Volcanic mountains receive heavy rainfall on the windward side encouraging farming or settlement.
- Windward slopes of volcanic mountains receive high relief rainfall thus key water catchment areas which are sources of key rivers used for irrigation / hydroelectric power generation / water for domestic and industrial use.
- Some volcanic rocks such as Phonolite provide materials for building houses and for road construction.
- Crater lakes provide fishing grounds for e.g. Lake Chala / a source of water for domestic / industrial use.
- Some mofettes are used in extraction/provision of carbon (IV) oxide which is sold to manufacturers of carbonated drinks.