Students of Nanyuki High School carried out a field study on glaciation on Mt. Kenya
(i) State two reasons why they conducted a reconnaissance.
(ii) Give two methods that they would use to collect data.
(i) State two reasons why they conducted a reconnaissance.
(ii) Give two methods that they would use to collect data.
(ii) - Observation.
- Taking measurements such as on temperature and altitude
- Interviewing.
- Photographing.
- In order to prepare a budget for the study.
- In order to formulate the objectives / hypotheses for the study
- In order to prepare a route map
- In order to assess the suitability of the area for the study
- In order to identify possible challenges and seek ways to deal with them.
- To identify possible routes to be followed during the study.
- To enable them to prepare a work schedule.
- To identify and introduce themselves to a resource person/guides.
- To familiarize with the area of study.
(ii) - Observation.
- Taking measurements such as on temperature and altitude
- Interviewing.
- Photographing.