Describe how roche moutonnee is formed.
- Ice moves down slope in a low land area and encounters a resistant rock outcrop.
- The ice/glacier erodes the upstream side of the rock outcrop by abrasion.
- Further abrasion polishes and smoothens the upstream side to form a gentle slope.
- The downstream is eroded by plucking and eventually results in the formation of a rugged steep slope.
- This results in the formation of a resistant rock with a smooth gentle upstream and rugged down stream called roche moutonnee
- The ice/glacier erodes the upstream side of the rock outcrop by abrasion.
- Further abrasion polishes and smoothens the upstream side to form a gentle slope.
- The downstream is eroded by plucking and eventually results in the formation of a rugged steep slope.
- This results in the formation of a resistant rock with a smooth gentle upstream and rugged down stream called roche moutonnee