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English Form 4 Grammar, Poems and Poetry Notes

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Grammar Oral Literature Poems Students Questions

Form English Revision

Grammar questions have been set from all topics including verbs, tenses, direst and indirect speech, nouns, plurals and more. Every question has an answer provided that will help you in your revision. We insist that you attempt every question and fully understand the concept of every question and answer before you move on to the next question.

Other question categories included are functional skills, cloze test, oral narratives, comprehension and poems.

Kenyan Secondary Schools English Syllabus

The syllabus covers the following areas as examined in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE):


The areas undermined under Paper One are:
1. Functional writing - this entails items or compositions written for a specific purpose; For example, applying for a job, writing minutes for meetings, writing reports, recipes, memos etc.
2. Cloze test - this is a test on how to best choose vocabularies or words that fill blanks in the given context of the passage. It is also a test on knowledge of categories of words and functions of those categories in a sentence.
3. Functional skills - these are language mannerisms skills. They are practical skills on how to behave in a polite, creative and effective way when using the English language. They are skills on etiquette, spellings, pronunciation, speaking, dramatisation and listening.


The areas undermined under Paper One are:
1. Comprehension - this covers reading and comprehension skills.
2. Extracts or excerpts from set text - this is to test the learner's critical and analytical skills.
3. Oral Literature - these are skills on oral stories, songs, riddles, proverbs etc that form an important part of the African culture. This area focuses on analytical and critical skills as well as morality.
4. Poetry - The appreciation and study of poetry and poetic language.
5. Grammar - language use, construction of sentences, linking paragraphs, paraphrasing, creating and modifying situations etc.


The areas undermined under Paper One are:
1. The first question is always about writing an imaginative composition or a critical essay.
2. The second question is always based on a compulsory set book in which the candidate writes a critical essay basing illustrations on it and his or her society.
3. The third question is always about other three set books that are usually optional so that candidate has to choose one question to answer a critical essay based on society and the book.