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Parts of a Plant: Leaves, Stem, Leaves, and Roots - Science

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Parts of a Plant

- The figure below shows the main parts of a plant, which include the roots, stem, fruits, leaves, and flowers.
Parts of a Plant- Science and Technology Grade 6
Parts of a Plant - Image Courtesy

Functions of Parts of a Plant

Functions of the Roots

  1. They absorb water and mineral salts from the soil through a process called absorption
  2. They hold the plant firmly in the soil through a process called anchorage
  3. Some plants such as potatoes, carrots, yams, cassavas, and sweet potatoes store their food in their roots
Storage of Food in a Carrots Roots - Science and Technology Grade 6
Carrots Use their Roots to Store Food - Image Courtesy

Note: Roots that store food are known as tuberous roots.

Functions of the Stems

  1. Stems transport water,food, and mineral salts from the roots to other parts of the plant including the leaves
  2. Some plants' stems store water such as the Cactus
  3. Plants' including Sugarcane and Potatoes store food in their stems
  4. The stem is used to hold other parts of the plants including leaves, flowers, and branches
Storage of Food in a Potato Stem - Science and Technology Grade 6
Potatoes Use their Stems to Store Food - Image Courtesy

Functions of the Leaves

  1. Leaves have tiny holes known as stomata that are used to remove excess water from the plant through transpiration
  2. Green plants (those with chlorophyll) make food in the leaves through a process called photosynthesis
  3. Leaves in plants are used in gaseous exchange where they take in carbon dioxide from the air and release oxygen to the air through the stomata. Animals breath in the oxygen released.
  4. Some plants such as cabbages and onions use their leaves to store food

Note: Chlorophyll is a green pigment found in plants that gives leaves their green color.

Storage of Food in Cabbage Leaves - Science and Technology Grade 6
Cabbage Use their Leaves to Store Food - Image Courtesy

Functions of Flowers

  1. Flowers develop into fruits. The part of a flower that develops into a fruit in known as an ovary

Functions of Fruits

  1. Fruits are used to store food. Some fruits used to store food include mango, avocado, pawpaw.

Functions of Seeds

  1. Seeds germinate and grow to become new plants

Types of Roots

- There are two main types of plant roots. These are: tap roots and fibrous roots.
Tap Root and Fibrous Root - Science and Technology Grade 6
Tap Root and Fibrous Root
- Tap roots have one main root. Plants that have tap roots include beans, cabbage, and peas
- Fibrous roots have many branches of roots that originate from the stem and spread in different ways. Some plants that have fibrous roots include: maize, sugarcane, and grass.

Differences between tap root and fibrous roots

  1. Tap roots have a main root while the fibrous roots do not.
  2. Tap roots grow vertically while the fibrous roots may tend to grow and spread horizontally.

As students, we should note that:

- Plants are part of our environment and we should be taken care of them.
- Some plants, such as Cactus, have thorns that can cause injuries.
- Some plants are poisonous and can make us or our livestock ill.
- Plants are sources of human food and animal feeds.
- Plants help clean the air that we breathe in.

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