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States of Matter and their Characteristics - Grade 4 Science and Technology

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States of Matter: Understanding Matter

- Matter is anything that occupies space and has mass.

States of Matter

There are three states of matter:
  1. Solids
  2. Liquids
  3. Gases


Characteristics of Solids

  1. Solids have definite shape. One can tell the shape of solid. The shape can be regular or irregular.
  2. Solids have definite volume or size. The volume of solid can be measured.
  3. Solids have definite mass. Some solids are heavy while others are lighter.

Examples of Solids

  • Sugar
  • Rock
  • Wood
  • Glass
  • Table

Rock (A solid) - Science and Technology Grade 4


Characteristics of Liquids

  1. Liquids do not have definite shape. They take the shape of the container.
  2. Liquids have definite volume.
  3. Liquids have definite mass. They may be lighter or heavier when two are compared.

Examples of Liquids

  • Water
  • Milk
  • Blood
  • Urine
  • Bromine

Rock (A solid) - Science and Technology Grade 4


Characteristics of Gases

  1. Gases have no definite shape.
  2. Gases have no definite volume.
  3. Gases have definite mass that's why an inflated balloon lifts a deflated balloon when placed on a beam balance.

Examples of Gases

  • Carbon dioxide
  • Ozone
  • Nitrogen
  • Hydrogen
  • Freon

Floating and Sinking

- Things that remain on the surface of water are called floaters.
- Things that move to the bottom of the surface are called sinkers.

Factors that Affect Sinking and Floating

(i) Type of material: Objects float or sink depending on the type of material they are made of. Some materials are floaters while others are sinkers.

(ii) Shape of the object: Shape of the objects affect sinking and floating.
Sinkers can be made to float by changing their shape.

Floating and Sinking - Science and Technology Grade 4

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